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HD-16 Oily sensitizer

Product parameters

HD-16 is an oil wax sensation sensation agent, itself has a matting effect, but the extinction effect is not a general matting agent strong; at the same time with other lubricants, such as: HK-06, HK-07, HK-09 or as oil The oil used, such as: HF-563, FA-202, C-199S, etc., can provide different leather surface feel.


Specifications :
Effective content: ≥7%


Instructions for use :
  (A) 200 parts of emulsified varnish HL-718
       Handiness agent HD-16 200 parts
       Solvent B.A.C. 600 to 800 parts
  (B) 20 to 60 parts of the sensitizer HD-16
        Oil C-199 200 parts
        Solvent B.A.C. 100 parts

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