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Add:No.555 Chongwen Road, Fengming Street, Tongxiang City , Zhejiang, P. R. of China

Tel:0573-88913500 88913299 


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Product parameters

FA-75 is a brown liquid containing sulphite oil and synthetic fat.
Appearance: brown liquid
Water content: 25-28%
PH (10%): 7.5-8.5
Stability: Excellent
Light resistance: good


Leather features: FA-75 is particularly recommended for the sofa or two layers of soft leather fat, you can get very soft leather and feel comfortable. FA-75 has good electrolyte stability, so it can penetrate into all parts of the leather. Can be used for pre-fat, pickling, chrome tanning and other processes. Can be used alone and in combination with other oils and fats.

Storage: cool and dry place for one year, such as by the cold, warming to 300C, and stir evenly.

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