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RT-D Melamine Synthesis Retanning Agent
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RT-D Melamine Synthesis Retanning Agent

Product parameters

Main Ingredients: Melamine Resin Type Synthetic Retanning Agent.


Basic physical properties:
Appearance: light white powder
Solid content: ≥96%
PH (10%): 7 ± 1
Ionicity: Anion
Solubility: quickly dissolved in cold, hot water
Light resistance: excellent


※ is very suitable for the manufacture of soft light piano leather retanning.
※ to give leather smooth grain; for the relaxation of the site has a good filling effect.
※ It is very suitable for the front matte leather, suede leather, full grain soft leather and all kinds of garment leather, to improve the cashmere grain compact, and promote the formation of uniform grain grain.


Instructions for use:
※ 4 ~ 6% full grain soft leather.
※ 3 ~ 5% front matte leather and suede leather.
Storage conditions: the product should be kept in a cool and ventilated warehouse, sunscreen antifreeze. The storage temperature is from 5 to 40 ° C.
Shelf life: sealed for one year.

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