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HR-329 Filling resin

Product parameters

HR-329 is a self-crosslinking aqueous emulsion, with butyl acrylate as the main copolymer. The film formed is transparent, medium hardness.
HR-329 for the hardness of the filling resin, giving leather a good degree of solid. It can be used with a shotcrete or curtain coating machine, because it has a good permeability, it can be used in the bottom coating to strengthen the firmness of the coating layer; its light resistance is also very good.

Specifications :
    Chemical properties: Acrylic water emulsion copolymer
    Appearance: milky white liquid
    Effective content: 22% ± 1%
    PH: 7.2 ± 7.6 (20 ° C)
    Ionicity: Anion
    Film characteristics: medium hard
    Hardness: 75 (Shore hardness A)

Please stir before use. Store attention to antifreeze.

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