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Copyright © Jiaxing Honglin Leather Chemical Co., Ltd.   浙ICP备05035413号-1 Powered by 300.cn

Add:No.555 Chongwen Road, Fengming Street, Tongxiang City , Zhejiang, P. R. of China

Tel:0573-88913500 88913299 


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Product parameters

chemical composition:
An economical waterproof retanning polymer.


Suitable for light pound and heavy leather, can achieve high-performance waterproof effect. Also can be used for water-resistant leather and other types of leather.


Excellent dynamic and static waterproof effect, and R-208 can give leather tight, smooth grain and full of skin.


Basic physical properties:
Appearance: milky white sticky
PH (10%): 9 ± 1
Active content: 50 ± 2%
Light resistance: excellent

Waterproof skin application (for reference):
R-208 is added to the drum as follows:
1. Mix thoroughly before use.
2. Depending on the circumstances, the recommended dosage is 6 to 8%.
3. Adjust the pH to 5.5 ↑.
4. R-208 dissolved in 550C ~ 600C hot water, stir well into the drum, the drum temperature of 550C ~ 600C.
5. Turn time 60 to 90 minutes
6. Adjust the pH to 3.3 to 3.5 with formic acid.
7. After drainage, change the water, add 2 to 3% metal tanning agent, turn 60 to 90 minutes, fixed.


120kg large mouth plastic bucket.
Pay attention to antifreeze.
Please stir before use.

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