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HF-369 Wax emulsion

Product parameters

HF-369 is a water-based emulsion consisting of a variety of waxes and fillers. Mainly used in the production of wax skin and frenzy.


Application Features:
1. Used for "crazy horse" effect of finishing.
2. Can be used for roller coating or spraying, enhance the finishing effect.
3. There is a strong wax effect.
4. Give the skin a dry and smooth sense of wax.

Appearance: milky white thick liquid
Effective content: ≥ 30%

Suggestions for use:
It can be easily mixed with cold water to achieve the desired consistency during plant operation. Can also be used alone or with HF-360, HF-367. Platen temperature ≥ 90 ℃, can get the maximum effect. Can be mixed with casein and finishing materials.

Please stir before use, please pay attention to antifreeze.

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