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CHEMTAN E-68 Acid phenolic retanning agent
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CHEMTAN E-68 Acid phenolic retanning agent

Product parameters

CHEMTAN E-68 is an acidic phenolic synthesis of tannin.


Basic physical properties:
Appearance: liquid, transparent, slightly sticky, orange-red
Effective content: 50 + 2%
PH: 3.5 + 0.2 (CONC.)
Ionicity: Anion
Solubility: soluble in hot or cold water


CHENTAN E-68 is a kind of acid synthetic phenolic bleach tannin, mainly used in the need for soft and full of chrome tanned leather. It can give leather sponge-like bubble, good filling, soft, very fine grain and light resistance. It can also be used in sheepskin, pigskin and two layers of skin to obtain softness, filling and leveling. On the white and light skin has a very good bleaching, light resistance.

Usually with 5-10% of the weight used in chrome tanned or light pound, especially requiring light resistance and softness. When used, the higher the acidity of the skin, the higher the bleaching effect; on the contrary, when used in the PH value, good permeability, can achieve a good filling and smooth grain.

2-5% of the CHEMTAN E-68 used in the anionic grease, the grease can be better permeability, dispersion and reduce the leather surface oily.

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