HR-326 is a waterborne polyurethane (PU emulsion type resin), which forms a relatively soft film, can be used in the whole grain as a light-emitting layer. HR-326 can produce excellent adhesion to leather, rich flexible, and has a very prominent embossing characteristics. When it is flattened at 85 to 90 ° C, a uniform and glossy surface can be produced. It can be more open pores, absorbent strong skin embryo, to provide effective closure, and in the cover and filling will not damage the natural appearance of leather.
Specifications :
Effective content: 20% + 1%
PH: 6 ~ 7
Weight: 1.03
Appearance: light white solution
Mechanical stability: excellent
Instructions for use :
~ Bead surface polished finish ~
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Resin HR-326 300 200 100 200 200
Resin HR-317 --- 100 100 100 ---
Ethylglycol (E.C.S.) 150 150 150 150 150
Water 550 550 500 500 500
Dye Water HD-Series --- --- 150 50 ---
Binder HB-Series --- --- --- --- 100
* Cross the spray once, place a few hours after drying and then polished (Polish), get the best results, polished to 90 ~ 100 ℃ pressure plate.
Please stir before use. Store attention to antifreeze.